Elemental Pyramid Meditation

Feeling Stuck in Your Practice?

Explore an Intermediate Meditation technique designed to bring you into deeper silence and awareness of your Being and the connection with all that Is.

Elemental Pyramid Meditation

Prerequisite: A basic understanding of meditation and mindfulness and the ability to sit for 30 minutes. This workshop is typically 2 hours long. If you have never practiced any type of meditation or mindfulness technique before, please attend one of our other classes first.

In Beginning meditation, we are becoming comfortable with the idea of stopping to sit still during our busy day. Our goal is simply to make time to be still.

In Intermediate meditation, we seek to improve the quality of our time in the stillness so we can more deeply touch the infinite silence within our being. Elemental Pyramid Meditation is designed to help you increase your focus by tapping into the natural elements of existence.

This special event is offered sporadically; please watch our calendar and retreats page for the next opportunity to receive this empowerment and instruction.

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