Learn to Meditate
Weekly & Monthly Meditation Classes
First time here? Read our FAQS.
Support Dharma Center through Pay What You Wish Tuition for our classes or by becoming a Member. Click button below to pay by credit card or Zelle, or via PayPal You choose the amount to pay!
Click on the Class Time in yellow to get the Zoom link. There is a different link for each class. Please scroll down to see details about each class offering, including exact dates of all classes. Each session is typically about 1 hour long. Our full schedule can also be viewed on our Calendar page. Please note some classes are online only unless marked in person. No meditation experience needed.
We welcome adults at all levels of experience, including beginners, at ALL classes!
Scroll down or click link for exact dates of classes. All times are PST – Pacific Standard Time
- Saturdays at 11am with Turiya Dhara *in person & online
- Mondays at 6pm with Kauyumari Tonglen – alternates English & Español weekly (online)
- Wednesdays at 7pm with Nandi (online)
- Monthly on select Sundays at 11am with Ekajati (online)
Sangha Day Socials
Sangha Social Events – join our mailing list for your invitation to our next in person event
Join us for our monthly fun social activities organized by our Parihasa Director (Director of Humor and Fun)
Sangha Social Events are typically held monthly and often require a reservation.
Random OM – Open Meditation
Random OM – Open Meditation is an unscheduled meditation hosted by the various Dharma Center teachers. The session may include only meditation or it may be a dharma talk or both – it all depends upon the day and the teacher! Random OM is announce via Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter. Watch for #randomOM on our social media channels and at the announced time, click here for the RandomOM zoom link to join.
Support Dharma Center through Pay What You Wish Tuition for our classes. Click button below to pay by credit card or Zelle, or via PayPal You choose the amount to pay!
All classes include seated meditation instruction and a Dharma talk about mindfulness. Teachers offer a unique style, based on their own experiences on the Path. Click on the teacher’s name to learn more. We welcome adults at all levels of experience, including beginners, at ALL classes.
Join our Mailing List
for our monthly newsletter, book news, out of town classes, and more.
Please also join our Meetup at Meetup.com/DharmaCenterMeditation
First time? Read our FAQs.
Most of our classes are ONLINE now. Please join us on Zoom for live classes!
Thursdays & Saturdays are both online and in person (check below for dates when there might not be class). To attend in person, please arrive early, as we close the door before class begins. If the door is closed, please join us online instead.
For a calendar style listing, visit our Calendar page
Saturdays at 11:00am with Turiya Dhara – IN PERSON and ONLINE
Meditation, Awareness & Awakening
*No Class March 22 or May 17 (Member Retreats)
For in person attendance, please arrive EARLY. If you are late, please wait in the front room until there is a break between the dharma talk or meditation, or join online anytime instead. Most Saturdays are also streamed live on YouTube.
Expand your awareness and awaken to all that you are through the practical methods of Trikaya Buddhism. The first Saturday of each month is devoted to beginner level tips. All classes include both meditation and mindfulness instruction for all levels. Questions are always welcome! Click here for the Zoom link
Mondays at 6:00pm (online)
with Kauyumari Tonglen, the Medicine Deer
Your Self and Your Eternal Sun / Tu Tonal y Tu Sol Eterno
*changes to 7pm in March with Daylight Saving Time
The Monday class alternates weekly between Spanish and English. Please join us for one or both sessions no matter which language you speak.
La clase de los lunes alterna semanalmente entre español e inglés. Únase a nosotros para una o ambas sesiones sin importar el idioma que hable.
To see the dates for Spanish or English, please visit our Meetup Group or the Calendar page.
Para ver las fechas en español o inglés, visite nuestro grupo Meetup o la página Calendario
Están Ustedes cordialmente invitados a las clases de meditación en Español y Inglés junto a Kauyumari Tonglen, quien nos llevará por maravillosas aventuras poniendo nuestra atención en la energía más profunda de nuestro ser; desde donde desarrollaremos nuestra Felicidad, Sabiduría y Paz Interior. Haga clic aquí para el enlace de zoom
You are cordially invited to meditation classes in English and Spanish with Kauyumari Tonglen, who will take us on wonderful adventures, paying attention to the deepest energy of our being; from where we will develop our Happiness, Wisdom and Inner Peace. Click here for the Zoom link
Wednesdays at 7:00pm (online)
with Nandi
Building Confidence with Meditation
No class Jan 29
Would you like to have more confidence in yourself?
When we meditate regularly, our confidence builds. As our practice strengthens, this confidence expands out into all aspects of our lives. The world feels brighter and happier than it did before we meditated. We start to make decisions without second guessing ourselves.
This class is for anyone at any level who’d like to build more confidence in their meditation practice and their life. Meditating in a group builds a stronger energy to tap into, which you can take with you into your daily meditation practice.
Come build confidence with meditation. (showing video not required, but definitely appreciated)
Click here for Zoom link
Thursdays at 8:00pm (online) – starting MARCH 13
with Brian
Meditation Bliss Out
Sunday at 12:00pm: (In Person & Online)
March 2
with Jyoti
Sunday Fun Day – Satsang & Meditation
Sunday at 11:00am: (online)
Feb 16 & March 9
with Ekajati
The Art of Relationships with Yourself & Others
Enlighten the Body-Mind through Heart practices rooted in meditation, mindfulness, and martial arts. Learn how to incorporate balance, serenity, and peace from your sitting practice into the world today. Explore how to recognize your Heart’s capacity to offer clarity and discernment so you can live as your highest and brightest Being. Transcend the limits of thoughts and find a deeper Stillness in the Trinity of Body-Mind-Heart. Click here for the Zoom link
Can’t make it during class times? Become a Member and listen to past dharma talks recorded live at Dharma Center, and join us for Members only events!
Sangha Day:
Please join our mailing list to be notified of our next event!
Please join us in person to spend time together doing a fun activity.
*Activities vary each month, and sometimes begin immediately after the Saturday 11am class.
RANDOM OM – Open Meditation
Join us for #randomOM
Drop by anytime during RandomOM: Open Meditation to sit for 5 minutes, or an hour. You can simply sit, or ask questions about Dharma Center and the practice. These pop-up events are posted on our social media; Watch for the next #randomOM to be announced on Twitter or Facebook with the tag: #randomOM
For detailed meditation instruction, please attend any of our regularly scheduled classes. Click here for the RandomOM Zoom link – will be active only when a RandomOM meditation is announced.
“There is a still point in eternity.
There is a still point where all things intersect.
There is a still point beyond life, time, and death.
Your experience of the still point is Enlightenment.”
~ Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz
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Volunteers, Tuition, Gifts, and Memberships make Dharma Center possible.
Thank you for your support!
Tuesday at 6:00pm: (online) – TUESDAYS WITH EKAJATI ARE ON HIATUS
with Ekajati
The Art of Stillness
*Classes are usually the First Tuesday of each month via MayFrog Therapy
Peace is accessible to us all the time. When we are centered in our Hearts and connected with our Body and Mind there is an inherent doorway that we gain access to, a doorway to inner peace and serenity.
Our online meditation workshops in Trikaya Buddhism are designed to give you the experiential platform to ask questions and receive personalized techniques and practices to use amidst one’s relational and situational world. No prior meditation necessary, Beginners are welcome! Workshops are offered the First Tuesday of each month through MayFrog Therapy.* Click here to get the Zoom link
Monthly on first Tuesdays at 6pm via MayFrog with Ekajati (online) – on hiatus
Please note: Beginning in 2024, Dharma Center IS a tax-exempt charity. Please consult your tax professional for information about deductions. We are a Volunteer-run organization dedicated to making your world a brighter and happier place by offering classes in meditation and mindfulness to the public. Your gift and Membership dues help us keep our doors open. Thank you! Click here for ways to donate

Pay What You Wish Tuition?

As our world faces uncertainty and turbulence, we’re being moved to respond to this suffering in a big way: Meditation Classes with optional tuition.
Not everyone who meditates is interested in Enlightenment; however everyone can benefit from meditation. Meditation and mindfulness increases awareness, improves concentration, decreases stress, slows aging, and teaches us acceptance of ourselves and others.
Dharma Center of Trikaya Buddhism is a non-profit volunteer run Temple. We encourage those who find value in our public meditation classes to pay what you wish, even if that is nothing. We’ll continue creating a space for those ready to dive deeper and invest in their spiritual education by periodically offering retreats and special intensive workshops.
Membership subscriptions are also available to support our work of sharing meditation and assisting the Awakening of those who wish to free themselves from suffering. Members receive special benefits, including access to a library of recordings filled with past dharma talks and to private events.
Dharma Center is undertaking an experiment in radical generosity, and it’s success depends upon you.
The tuition collected for classes helps to pay the rent and insurance for the room (both physical and virtual via zoom) and for teaching supplies, such as informational handouts, music, furniture, advertising, and office supplies. Memberships also pay for these expenses. To keep costs down, we have wonderful volunteers who help run Dharma Center of Trikaya Buddhism.
We rely on the concept of an Exchange of Gratitude to finance our center for meditation and self-discovery.
The Exchange of Gratitude concept means that people understand the need pay for a place to explore the teachings and practice because it provides an important benefit to their lives. This can be difficult for some people to grasp who are stuck in the American conditioning of getting the most and paying the least for it.
Money, in this society, is a symbol of power. Money, like power, allows you to experience things that are not available to those lacking in money. If you find yourself unable to pay for the things you need, there is a problem related to your personal power.
A spiritual discipline will help you develop personal power and allow you to resolve the issues interfering with basic survival. Without a stable base on which to build, spiritual progress is unlikely. To rise above the suffering of the world and enter into the higher mind states, a certain amount of power is required. To go beyond all mind states and enter samadhi, even more power is needed.
Utilizing your personal power appropriately, that is spending energy and money on the things truly important to you, are the first steps towards serious spiritual development.
Paying for your spiritual practice is one small way to send a message to yourself and Eternity that your practice is important to you.
For those of you who are ready to make an ongoing commitment to your spiritual practice, we invite you to join as a Dharma Center Member. Please see our class handout or visit our Membership Options page.