Turīya Dhara

Turīya Dhara

My teaching style involves spontaneous discourses and meditation empowerments. In meditation students discover a blissful, peaceful state of Mind, which is the esoteric part of our practice that is beyond words. This is the traditional way of teaching meditation, where it is shown by the teacher holding their mind still.  Each week, I also provide dharma talks that include practical tips for how Trikaya Buddhism can be incorporated into daily life. Through the power of meditation and applied mindfulness, together we move through rapid transformations that expand our awareness of Light and our awareness of what it is to be here in this world right now.

Since 1992, daily meditation and mindfulness practice have been the foundation of my life, and in 1994 Rama empowered me to teach. After Rama’s passing in 1998, I opened the door at Dharma Center in order to share my path of Trikaya Buddhism with the public.

The people who most benefit from my teachings are those who feel they have suffered enough. Although they have been able to create in their lives what they think they want in want, they find there is still something missing that leaves them feeling unsatisfied. This feeling creates a deep longing within the soul that eventually erupts as a hard to place sense of suffering. This is the route by which I came to the Path.

In my work with students, the ones who succeed at the highest level have a strong sense of humor and a deep commitment to their spiritual growth. Just as I do, they take the Path very seriously with dedicated practice and are able to laugh at the mind’s reactions to the stumbling blocks we all face. In other words, we do our best to have a good time while seeking the highest expression of Light.

I work with people in a variety of ways, including as:

  • Students in Public Classes
  • Members through Dharma Center’s Membership program
  • Volunteers who run Dharma Center
  • Private Students in the Uncommonly Fine Life program

While many who attend classes are simply interested in building a brighter, happier and more grounded life, there are a few who are also dedicated to Enlightenment. For these rare students, I run the Uncommonly Fine Life program. If you are drawn to the deeper study of Awakening, please attend classes for at least 6 months, become involved with Dharma Center as a volunteer and/or member, and then ask me about the private UFL program.

Turiya - Jenna Sundell

In addition to teaching, I love to write. I regularly update my blog at www.turiyadhara.com to share teachings online. My first book Worlds of Power, Worlds of Light contains some of my adventures on the Path of spiritual discovery and many of the lessons I learned with Rama.

My second book, Peace with Pain: Your Guide to Life in a Malfunctioning Body, is based on the practices that have helped me live well with chronic pain. Within its pages, you’ll learn about using the power of meditation and mindfulness to create a happy, fulfilling, and productive life in a body that doesn’t always cooperate. Peace with Pain is a powerful guide for anyone who suffers from physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual pain.

My favorite because of the beautiful drawings of Buddhas inside is Unreasonable Joy: Awakening through Trikaya Buddhism which discusses the pathway and serves as a daily guide for inspiration.

Please sign up for my blog’s mailing list to be notified when I have new articles and books available.

Turiya - Jenna SundellThe process of self-discovery is the most fantastic journey you can take; I invite you to sit with all the teachers at Dharma Center and explore for yourself the magic, mystery and wonder of meditation.

On Facebook, you can find me at www.fb.me/turiyadhara

On Instagram @turiyadhara

Follow my YouTube channel to get notices when new videos are posted.

Also find me on Twitch @turiyadhara where I often stream my classes.

I look forward to meeting you soon!
