

Ekajati was ordained a Buddhist monk in 2015 under the Rama lineage in the tradition of Trikaya Buddhism, and continues to study with her primary teacher, Turīya. Ekajati unifies the practices of body-heart-mind to help students cultivate their highest and happiest life possible. With a 2nd-degree black belt in Aikido, she is passionate about the process of seeking truth, blending meditation and martial arts as avenues for self-discovery.

Learn how to bring balance, joy, and peace from your seated practice into the world today. Explore how a Warrior’s Heart offers clarity and discernment to transcend habitual thoughts for deeper stillness. Join her in one of her classes to learn more.

“We have the tremendous fortune to tap into a powerful line of Light every moment of every day. With the peace and power we garner from this practice we get to come home. But more importantly, we can serve others so they remember they are free – Here and Now.

May we be of service to all Beings with a Warrior’s Heart.” ~Ekajati

In addition to teaching meditation, hatha yoga, and martial arts, Ekajati uses her Master’s degree in Integral Counseling Psychology to bridge Eastern and Western science of mind for a holistic approach with clients at MayFrogTherapy.